What is Salzmanns Nodular Degeneration?
Salzmanns nodular degeneration (SND) appears in the periphery of the cornea and are gray and bluish elevated nodules. Patients can experience irritation, such as dryness and foreign body sensation, as well as decreased vision due to induced astigmatism. SND is a non-inflammatory, slowly progressive, degenerative condition. The average age to be diagnosed with SND is around mid to late 50s.

Treatment Options
Non-Surgical Treatment Options
- Artificial tears, especially gel, may help reduce irritation and discomfort.
- Topical prescriptions can be used to relieve the inflammation and pain.
Surgical Treatment Options
If there is progression or the nodules are creating significant irregular astigmatism, removal is recommended. To remove, your doctor will numb your eye, remove the nodule, and polish the surface of your cornea. A bandage lens or an amniotic membrane that promotes healing will be placed over the area.